- 註冊時間
- 2014-11-7
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
1 Q0 C) C5 m3 o7 p+ K 4 u9 b: v4 U/ T d
6 N F" {4 g& A3 I) A" U
" Y* y+ p+ X: E. O( |
, g& b5 _ K, }, H. k7 J觀察員們預估螢火蟲的發生將延後一個禮拜
. Z1 k6 A2 B- R) J5 q2 U. d12月初將是螢火蟲的發生期: k B5 k/ p% b6 r" u
如想與奮起湖的螢火蟲度過最溫暖的12月,趕快拿起您的電話,來電訂房7 w n v% K7 F
The date of the tour will start on December9 ^6 R- k2 |, Q5 B; W: \+ z7 r
Don’t be hesitate and make a reservation immediately.
3 o M* u* z' Y. ] P# ~! }Welcome to fenchihu,8 W, i. ] B1 f/ D* N, B6 M
Let the fairy in the forest staying with you and enjoy a good time here.; ]# M% i8 x3 w! z8 g
" Z; X" H3 T$ ~. K' I6 e
) p& c4 d5 l8 o2 x3 C3 d. V ! T5 p7 H; L" d9 _4 J6 w$ H

# _ [3 h: U9 e- m7 ~" V$ Y2 C$ ^3 P* z0 a3 ?" L( {
9 \/ c2 p( p6 I, r: G% w7 i- T% V0 m
/ ]5 v i2 h, J4 u5 t2 o9 G: m! s) C: ^# w
Reward Firefly notes:
3 q, d6 Z) g' k
- _5 ~" y& N2 Q5 R9 I7 N, S: K! V1. reward Firefly because it was getting dark, please bring a flashlight, when using multilayer coated red or blue cellophane and avoid direct exposure of fireflies, make them dizzy and crash Oh!" d2 ~6 S$ ^ l% f7 ?# ]
7 e& T6 o5 w0 Q+ o3 C
2. reward when Hotaru, avoid catching fireflies, one for fear of excessive force, caused the death of Firefly and there is also the fear of smell catch fireflies, fireflies at this important period of mating and reproduction. 2 h, A4 q/ L; s) K
0 c+ J8 P' B' u& D) V5 H
Whether you are looking for the trip or leisure vacation, this hotel offers perfect service and comfortable environment, let your journey and rich diversity and rewarding experience! ' a' C% j- l8 |
% f1 j' J2 Z+ A" e3 N8 q8 E# \) `
' G, Y9 Z1 `, Z: h9 Z《飯店資訊》3 ^! U& o Z% {. ]3 d! |
電話:05-25618884 r8 N. h, u, V& a6 w/ {
LINE ID:fenchihu_hotel
m0 w) y9 q# S7 k網址:https://www.fenchihu.com.tw/
% `* ]4 i6 t7 q* Z0 I. v+ h- |& @1 C粉絲專頁:https://www.facebook.com/fenchihu2 ]* S" O2 ]0 o8 Y6 f- x" R9 O
0 e' |% O! t) n& X; V地址:嘉義鄉竹崎鄉中和村奮起湖178之1號
& b4 s8 Y/ U( \$ X) q------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------& J( h p$ ?2 k% ~) M4 L) S: `# h
《information of Fenchihu Hotel》
2 g& T1 A$ ]# Z# s/ I" o! JTEL:05-2561888
/ t8 R$ x8 F$ Q) X9 X/ KLINE ID:fenchihu_hotel
' {2 K+ @) M) X9 tWEB:http://www.en.fenchihu.com.tw/6 m; \$ ~0 W s3 ]1 I2 e
FB:https://www.facebook.com/fenchihu2 _4 a7 `/ K9 k
Make a Reservation:https://www.ezhotel.com.tw/fenchihu/index.php?langtype=1
7 I$ L$ Z& I9 z; u4 ?ADD:No.178-1, Fenqihu, Zhuqi Township, Chiayi County 604, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
/ q; J; D) j. i1 S1 b. R------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------! b' c2 i0 X1 e ^! Y' W) U$ B) W